Great value at Woolworths during COVID-19 lockdown

While the nation is locked down to help fight the spread of the COVID-19 virus in SA, many people are home, and eating more than they’re used to.

Changes to movement has ripple effects- on how we perceive time, establishing a new work – home balance, and most importantly, decision making.

To ease the pressure of decision making, Woolworth’s brilliant range ensures that tough decisions aren’t as tough on consumers, with essentials like milk, meat and vegetables catering to the adjusted budgets and eating patterns of a nation in lockdown. View current specials here

There are currently 11 retailers under investigation by the Competition Commission for unlawful price hikes. Conversely, Woolworths has shown competitive prices in recent months to help consumers absorb the impact of COVID-19 and other economic woes on their daily lives.

It’s truly commendable for this retail brand to prioritise the consumers’ needs duringan unprecedented time like the one we now find ourselves in both as a country, and as a global community.

With March and April being the rainy season in SA, the gloomy weather often makes one crave warm, comforting food. A selection of Woolworth’s items is sure to make staying in much tastier.

Here is a quick 30 minute recipe for lunch or dinner.

Mac n Cheese with Sweet & Sticky Pork Loin Ribs, with a side of salad

While your ribs come alive in the oven or on the braai, you can follow this simple guide to delicious mac n cheese.

You will need:

Macaroni (alternatives: penne, pasta shells).
Cheese – cheddar, gouda, or a combination.
Sweet & Sticky Pork Loin Ribs.
Woolworth Greek salad – from their range of pre-prepared salads.

A good mac n cheese needs a really good cheese sauce. Here’s a 6-step guide to the perfect one.

Cheese sauce

1 - Finely chop garlic and onion. Fry in 2 tablespoons of butter (or margarine) over a medium heat.

2 - Season lightly with salt. This helps your onions to not burn quickly.

3 - Add a couple of 2-3 tablespoons of flour.

4 - Slowly whisk in half a cup of milk. Don’t add too much milk at a time because this will make clumps.Tip: If it gets lumpy, don’t worry, it’s going into the blender anyway.

5 - Add grated cheddar cheese.

6 - Add more milk to achieve the consistency you want.

Pour this over your macaroni. Top with more grated cheese and serve with a crispy Greek salad to add some crunch and texture to your meal. Sprinkle a little parmesan cheese for that extra cheesy kick.

Swap the mac n cheese for potato wedges

1 - Rinse 7-10 potatoes and place in the microwave for 6-10 minutes.

2 - Once out of the microwave, cut lengthways into quarters.

3 - Heat a saucepan with about half a cup of oil.

4 - Fry your potato wedges until golden brown.

5 - Pop into a bowl with brown paper.

6 - Season with salt and vinegar, or a spice blend. Try mixing 2 teaspoons each of paprika, BBQ spice, Steak & Chops and Thyme. 

Written by: Hive Digital

Brought to you by Caxton Local Media